About Capital, Housing and Lands
The Nak’azdli Housing Department strives to maintain financially sustainable housing for it’s membership by utilizing the different options of housing available through Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (A.A.N.D.C.), Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (C.M.H.C.) and through the different housing options (Section 10, Section 95, Subsidy, Band Owned Rental and Social Housing).
Nak’azdli Band Housing Department works with C.M.H.C., Financial Institutions, District of Fort St. James, Insurance Companies, Contractors and Construction Business, Inspectors and Health Board as well as with other Band Staff, tenants and membership.
Nak’azdli Band is presently collaborating with The Bank of Montreal to facilitate housing financing. As a result, the Nak’azdli Band Housing Department will no longer be extending loans to its members. This means that the band will no longer provide mortgage loans to its members, and they will be required to qualify for loans through BMO or another financial institution independently. The $50,000 Subsidy grant is designed to be a grant that members can access, provided they receive pre-approval from a lender. This grant can be used as a down payment on their mortgage.
Housing Policy Forms
Forms need to be copied, printed, filled out by hand then mailed or handed in.
- Rental Housing application updated 2019 (PDF)
- Subsidy Housing Application (PDF)
- Off-Reserve Housing Subsidy Application (PDF)
Rental Housing
Many people have applied for rental housing and have been added to the wait list.
The wait list is quite outdated so if you haven’t applied for a rental unit in the past 6 months, please come in and fill out a new application.
Your application must be filled out completely or it will not be added to the list or presented to the housing committee. If you need help getting your information together, please see Shelia Caswell.
If you have applied for a mortgage through BMO and are wondering about the status of your application, please come in and see me. There are many steps to complete in order to get approved for a loan through BMO, so let me help you under-stand how this program works and what you need to do to complete your application.
Home Maintenance
Zero Tolerance Policy
- Nak’azdli Housing Committee
Zero Tolerance Policy (PDF)