Dakelh or Carrier are indigenous people from the Central Interior of British Columbia, Canada. Most Carrier call themselves Dakelh, meaning “People Who go Around by Boat“. For information, visit the Dakelh culture page.
Nak’azdli Whut’en is a non-treaty First Nation located adjacent to Fort St. James, BC. It has eighteen reserves in total in and around Fort St. James. Most people live on Indian Reserve (IR) #1 which is separated from Fort St. James by Kwah Road. There are also a few families on IR #1A up the North Road at Four-Mile and William’s Prairie Meadow.
The current population of Nak’azdli is close to 2000 members though only about 700 live “on-reserve.” Most of those living “off-reserve” live in Fort St. James or Prince George. There is also a significant population in Vancouver but Band Members are scattered throughout BC and beyond.
The map here represents the traditional territory as it was identified while involved in treaty negotiations. All families in Nak’azdli were interviewed to determine their access to various keyoh for hunting, trapping, fishing, gathering, and general use. This map represents the area used by Nak’azdli Band members. Some of the areas are covered by traplines owned by Band members as well. There is overlap with neighbouring Bands because families intermarried and gained access to their spouse’s territories. It is this area that Nak’azdli asserts jurisdiction when dealing with proposed industrial activities on the land.