The Carrier Linguistics Society (CLS) is a First Nations Organization Incorporated into the Societies Act of British Columbia in 1973 by the Nak’azdli community.
The Goals of the Carrier Linguistics Society are to:
- Function as a regulation body and set standards for language materials and teacher qualifications
- Promote language and culture programs
- Produce and publish ongoing literature
- Train teachers including other dialects
- Create professional positions coordinating with universities and First Nations organizations
- Motivate young Dakelhne towards university training
- Enrich school systems by exposure to Dakelh language and cultural studies
The Carrier Linguistics Society and Nak’azdli Elders have archived the Dakelh Language with FirstVoices. It is a great tool for learning the Dakelh language.
Located behind Nak’azdli Natural Resources, the CLS Bookstore offers dictionaries, workbooks, CDs and DVDs, songbooks, story books and more!
Bookstore hours are by appointment only.
Additional Information
- The Complete Historical Sketch of the
Carrier Linguistics Society (PDF) (Link Broken) - Highlights of the Carrier and Culture:
A Vibrant Part of the Identity of Fort St James (PDF) - Carrier resources at
(New Testament, Genesis, Gospel of John,
voice of the late Ray Prince) - Nak’azdli Dakelh FirstVoices Website
Board of Directors
- Nak’azdli
Fred Sam - Nak’azdli Education Administrator and Resource Person
Mark Prince - Home School Coordinator, David Hoy Elementary
Rita Henkes - Carrier Language Teacher, Nak’albun Elementary
Florence Sam - Nursery School Teacher, Nak’albun Elementary
Barbra Lessard - Certified Language Instructor
Gloria Duncan - Nak’azdli Band Member
Laurie Moise - Language Instructor, University of Northern British Columbia and College of New Caledonia
Nellie Prince
Other Members
- Linguistics Consultant & Translator
Dick Walker - CLS Administrator, Carrier Language Teacher, Nak’albun Elementary
Sara Sam - Peggy Forbes
CLS Office
(250) 996-2226
P.O. Box 667
Fort St James, BC V0J-1P0
For additional information or to order CLS materials:
- Fred Sam: (250) 996-7171
- Mark Prince: (250) 996-7171
- Sarah Sam: (250) 996-3386
- Peggy Forbes: (250) 996-8568 (home), (250) 996-3725 (cell)
- Yvonne Pierreroy (Prince George): (250) 964-6078